Fall Photos at Big Mountain Summit

Big Mountain Summit is 30 minutes from downtown Salt Lake City. Providing sweeping autumn vistas and plenty of secret paths to explore, this place is perfect for any fall photoshoot.

There are countless beautiful places in Utah that could end up on a postcard. From Logan Canyon all the way down to Cedar Breaks, the Wasatch Mountains alone contain so much splendor. While there is so much to see, there is often very little time to go out exploring all of these places.

So what is a spot close to Salt Lake City that wows every time? My answer is Big Mountain Summit. This locale is accessed by just a short drive just off of I-80 in Parley’s Canyon, or via a more scenic route through Emigration Canyon.

Some of my favorite moments from this photo session were captured on Retocolor Maple 100. The film captures reds and oranges terrifically, making it perfect for autumn photoshoots.

Sunset during the fall tends to be around 7-7:30pm, meaning there is plenty of time to come up after a day of work and enjoy the golden hour.

Elise and Rori were celebrating their anniversary this day, and I was so excited to shoot an all-film photo session with them. When I drove into the parking lot they were already there having a picnic in the back of their car. The view from the trunk here makes this place one of the best spots for a car picnic in all of Utah.

After taking some photos using the gorgeous canyon landscape as a backdrop, we took a small trek into the trees

In the falling light, I switched to my secondary camera, containing Cinemot Pessoa 400 film. This black & white film from Portugal created a soft glow in the lighter parts of the photos while allowing details to still come through sharp in the shadows.

Find the Google Maps link to Big Mountain Summit below, and if you liked these photos and want to schedule a time to take photos here in Spring, Summer or Fall, send me an email through my Inquire page :)


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